Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hump Day

Thank goodness it's one more day closer to Friday. Supposed to be having lunch with Luke today. I'm not sure where we will go. I could really use something fried about right now! Definitely not part of the 'Summer Slimdown'! I broke down yesterday and went to our snack machine here at work. I was really depressed afterwards when I realized that I just used 6 WW points on 4 bites of food - ugh. But I did an extra activity to make up for it, I think.

Mine and Erin's walk in the park yesterday was lovely. Stifling hot but lovely all the same. I always forget how many people actually go to the park. You have your joggers, your power walkers (that's us, haha!), your strollers, people watchers, drug dealers, the homeless, mothers-that-don't-watch-their-kids, the hoodlums and lastly (my favorite) the guy peeing in the bushes! I guess that's what you get when you go to a public park. We are going to try to stick it out again today if the rain subsides. It's looking gross out there at the moment.

One interesting thing happened yesterday! And this is probably the most exciting thing of my whole week - whole month even! I officially ORDAINED! My cousin April and her fiance are getting married in an intimate ceremony this Sunday at her house in Burns and she needed someone to perform the ceremony. I looked into getting ordained online and Dickson County recognizes it so BAM! You can now call me Reverend Kelly Ann Jennette. I am looking forward to performing the duties on Sunday. It is going to be so special.

On a different (sad) note, I will be missing the famous Ryan Arthur's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!) this Saturday afternoon at the Sounds' Greer Stadium because the Dyl Pickle is graduating from PRESCHOOL! I'm sure there were days that her parents weren't sure she (they) was going to make it but she did! Only 13 more years! It's hard to believe that she will be starting kindergarten in August. I feel like it was just yesterday when she was born. People say that all of the time but it's really true. She's been on this earth for five years and has such a BIG heart already. I wish I could be more like her.

Until next time folks.

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